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dōTERRA Pure Essential Oils & Natural Wellness Products 
with Shari Sanchioli 

Get Started

Live Well Naturally

Thanks for surfing my site and giving me the opportunity to share with you why I'm passionate about dōTERRA! I became a customer in 2018 and I have undeniably improved my health as a result of swapping out chemical laden products for natural options. dōTERRA products are CPTG  (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) meaning that they are pure and will provide a therapeutic benefit. My positive experiences prompted me to share these products with others beginning January of 2020. I love this company for so many reasons, like Co-Impact Sourcing and the Healing Hands non-profit, but knowing that dōTERRA is a debt free, five billion dollar company gives me a lot of solace.

I bring a background in old school customer service to my dōTERRA business so I will always be here to assist with anything you might need, from product questions to concierge ordering services. It's been a lifelong focus for me to serve others and it brings me great joy so whether you’re a long time customer or new to dōTERRA I am here to help you Live Well Naturally!

Browse Products

Do you like to peruse every aisle in a store to explore available products before you buy? Browsers, feel free to use this link to check out all that dōTERRA has to offer.

Shop By Health Benefits

If you prefer being guided to a certain section of a store to address a specific ailment or health goal, then this link will be helpful in showing you how our products can help.

Shari's Curated Collections

If you enjoy having a personal shopper, then allow me to guide you to not only the aisle but to the specific grouping of products that will help you to Live Well Naturally.

Products may be purchased directly through my doTERRA shop at full price.

If you want to make a retail purchase please use the link above to head to my shop

Wholesale Membership

If you are interested in using doTERRA products for your health and want to purchase at wholesale pricing (25% off) you can do so by becoming a member.

Membership is included with the purchase of any enrollment kit or can be purchased separately. Membership has many benefits beyond wholesale pricing and it's easy to get started! 

Meet Shari

It's nice to 'meet' you, if I haven't already, thank you for surfing my site!

I was raised at the beach and I'm happiest on, in or around the water. My treasures are the memories I make with my family and close friends. My passion is to teach people how to Live Well Naturally. My personal health goal is to improve and extend my health span to match my lifespan. I want to be that old lady who the youngsters are saying 'how old is that yogi on the sailboat, jumping off of the bow?!' I want to transition into the next realm with my grey pigtails flying.


I am fortunate to have always enjoyed my work life and life in general. I was a hairstylist for decades and found great joy in...


Let me be your guide...

 I would love to help you achieve your health goals, no matter how big or small they are. Let's connect so that I can learn about your top concerns then guide you to natural remedies. Whether it's incorporating simple swaps from chemical based products, introducing you to new solutions or improving your internal health, I feel confident that I can help you to Live Well Naturally! Book a chat with me to curate a product program just for you, get help with ordering or learn about wholesale pricing. We can connect by phone, e-mail or Zoom, whatever works for you!

Chat with Shari

Intro to Oils Online Event

Join me for an informative online presentation that will explore essential oils are, how to enjoy them and what their benefits are. You'll also learn what sets doTERRA oils apart.

Offered twice monthly, check the events calendar to sign up!

Participate in an Oil Study, tailored to your specific health goals. Meet up on Zoom with others to learn about the study and your oil samples then reconvene after a week. Before the study you will receive free samples for the topic of your choice, mailed directly to you. Experience the benefits of essential oils and understand first hand why I'm so FIRED UP about doTERRA! 


I'll help you determine what category to try based on your health priorities then mail samples before your study starts!

Join an Oil Study

Events Calendar

Online Offerings


In-Person Events in San Diego 


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

© 2023 by Shari Sanchioli Live Well Naturally, site design by Britney M. Stanley 

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